Test results

we went to see the Dr few times for investigations this results as follows:(how can you help us? )

My husband: 41 yrs

Semen examination

Volume - 1.1 mill
appearance - off white colour
PH - 8.0
Viscocity - normal
count - 10mill.
Motility Grade A - 30%
B - 25%
C - 35%
D - 40%

Myself: 40 yrs


(1) TVS FollicularTracking

- Uterus is anteberted and bulky mesuring 11.48cm x 9.00.12cm x 6.00cem at least 2 internationalisms are seen. One in the interior wall segment measuring 3.32cm x 3.93cm.
- Endometrium is normal thin lined mesirung 0.52cm.
Both ovaries arenoraml in size, site and outline
- No adnexal mass
-No free fluid in the cul-de-sac

(2) HSG

-The dr told me that theres no problem about me. theres a problem for my husband.

Pls help and advise us, if it possible to use yr product, we are so complete desparete u know days are numbers about tht situation. We prefer to try to use yr herbal support for me and my husband.

I hope all pregnancy will pass at peace and with go's help.

Our product Fsh Reducing Herbal Support can be very helpful for you as it helps increasing the egg quality.
For the sperm we do have a treatment for improving quality.
you should consider using our sperm herbal support to avoid IVF treatment if possible.